
Like many folks involved in the effort to care for creation, I wear a few hats. You can find me here, amplifying the good work being done to address the climate crisis, with the hope that this effort may help build capacity in the faith community for creation justice work—and hope!

Find me also at Faiths4Future, Climate Cafe Multifaith, and at the nonprofit Circle Faith Future. At Circle Faith Future, we work on creation justice. We also work with ‘court involved’ youth—that means youth lock-up and detention. Our program Youth Rise improves outcomes for these kids. We sure appreciate donations. Donate.

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Working at the intersection of faith and creation justice. #climatejustice #environmentaljustice #faiths4future #ClimateCafeMultifaith


My focus is creation justice. My posts are my own. #Faiths4Future #ClimateCafeMultifaith Circle Faith Future